If you have an upcoming move then setting up a garage sale can simplify things for you. You can get rid of items that you haven’t been using for months together. You don’t want to carry it to a new home and gather dust again.
Below are a few tips for a successful garage sale.
- Try planning your garage sale during the weekend can choose a time when the weather is pleasant.
- It is always handy to have a family member or friend assist you during the sale.
- Make sure you put up everything that you won’t be needing.
- Even if you aren’t sure of the exact value of a particular item, you could still put it there.
- Be realistic while pricing. Consider yourself as a buyer when you put up a price on an item.
- Arrange your items in such a manner where people can walk about and also closely examine them.
- Carry only enough cash for change and leave the rest at your home.
- You can do some local free advertising a couple of days before the sale.
- If you are selling electrical items then make sure you have a plug point for people to test the item.
- Last of all do consider donating unsold items to charity.
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